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Our world is big and so is the need. Where should we begin to address the global suffering that surrounds us in so many different ways? Is what we are capable of not just a drop in the ocean?  

When Olaf and Manuela Brellenthin and their three children Stephanie, John and Miriam set off for South East Asia in June 2000 to work among street children, they heard the following story:

"A boy on a beach keeps throwing washed-up starfish back into the sea, which are lying there in masses on the dry land. An adult comes along, watches him for a while and then says: "Boy, what difference does it make? There are thousands of them lying around here." The boy picks up another starfish and as he throws it far out to sea he says: "It makes a big difference to this one, my Lord."

We know we can't help them all. We are aware that our means are limited. We are aware that our strength is not enough to do all that we could do, but all these limitations should not stop us from doing what we can do with God's help, because "for this One" our help makes a big difference.

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